
Ranking och referenser

Cirio Advokatbyrå AB is particularly active in the life sciences and digital spaces, and is very experienced in advising on patent litigation and licensing issues. Practice head Hanna Tilus brings expertise in marketing law, and has a solid track record in acting for clients in the pharmaceutical sector. (Intellectual Property and Media) – Legal 500

Praised for her specialism in personal data protection which makes her ‘unique within the Swedish market‘, Hanna Tilus is known for advising on technology transfers, co-marketing issues, and R&D collaborations. (Healthcare and Life Sciences) – Legal 500

Practice head Hanna Tilus has expertise in tech-related regulatory matters, commercial agreements, and IP issues. (IT and Telecoms) – Legal 500

‘Hanna Tilus has exceptional skills in building the case for the court, very thorough, deep understanding of both scientific and commercial aspects and outstanding communication with the client in a clear and effective way.’ – Legal 500

Hanna Tilus shows great experience in a vast number of areas and questions specifically connected to the life sciences segment, which is unusual and hard to find in other law firms in general. She gave valuable advice on both regulatory questions and transactional law matters.’- Legal 500

Per Hedman and Hannah Tilus are incredibly approachable, responsive and very talented lawyers. They are able to deliver solution focused advice on highly complex regulatory issues. They are a pleasure to work with and are our go to for all life sciences and healthcare queries for Sweden. They are highly recommended.’- Legal 500

Per Hedman and his team have significant expertise in life sciences and healthcare law. They are approachable, practical, extremely knowledgeable and give superb practical advice. They are our go to firm for all Swedish life sciences and healthcare work and we have worked together on many matters. The team always delivers work to an exceptional standard even under extremely tight deadlines. Hannah Tilus deserves a special mention – she is fantastic.’ – Legal 500

Hanna Tilus


Hanna är partner och ansvarig för Cirios grupp för Digitalisering och Tech. Hon är specialiserad inom immaterialrätt, marknadsrätt, konsumenträtt, dataskydd, regulatory och kommersiella avtal med ett starkt fokus på Life Science-branschen.

Hanna har omfattande erfarenhet som rådgivare åt ett brett spektrum av företag inom Life Science-branschen, exempelvis läkemedelsföretag, medicinteknikbolag, hälso-och sjukvårdsbolag och livsmedelsföretag. Vidare har Hanna arbetat som bolagsjurist på det globala Life Science-bolaget Bayer med ansvar för legal, compliance och dataskydd i Sverige, men också globalt på bolagets Pharma HQ i Berlin.

Hanna har också omfattande erfarenhet av rådgivning inom IP- och teknikrelaterade uppdrag, innefattande M&A, licensiering, teknologiöverföringar, co-marketing, R&D samarbeten, komplexa kommersiella avtal, gränsöverskridande IP-tvister samt administrativa ärenden och processer.


2021 Cirio Advokatbyrå
2019 - 2021 Roschier Advokatbyrå, Counsel IP & Life Sciences
2014 - 2018 Bayer AB, Senior Legal Counsel, Compliance Manager and Company Data Privacy Manager
2010 - 2011 H&M Hennes & Mauritz AB, Secondment
2008 - 2014 Advokatfirman Lindahl, Senior Associate


2008 Stockholms universitet, Jur.kand. (LL.M)
2005 Stockholms universitet, BAP
2005 Queensland University of Technology, University Study Abroad Certificate, Business


2019 Ledamot av Sveriges Advokatsamfund




"Pricing & Reimbursement 2023”, Global Legal Insights
“Licensing 2023”, Getting the Deal Through
“Life Sciences 2023”, Getting the Deal Through
"Intermistiskt förbud i patentmål” (Preliminary injunction in patent cases) medförfattare tillsammans med Hampus Rystedt, PatentEye 3/2019
“Vad händer med de immateriella tillgångarna i en konkurs?” (“What happens to the Intellectual Property Assets in a bankruptcy?”), medförfattare tillsammans med Johan Hörnberg, Brand News 5/2013
“Den specifika mekanismen – ett undantag från den tillåtna parallellimporten av läkemedel” ("The Specific Mechanism – an exception from the approved parallell import of Pharmaceuticals"), medförfattare tillsammans med Håkan Borgenhäll, Patent Eye 2/2013
Kapitlet “When you are copied – IP litigation and alternative dispute resolution” i "The Handbook of European Intellectual Property Management" 3rd edition KoganPage /Adam Jolly 2012, medförfattare tillsammans med Håkan Borgenhäll
“The Pirate Bay case and implications of AIPPI membership for judges”, medförfattare tillsammans med Jonas Westerberg, AIPPI e-News 21 november 2011
“Barnförordningen ger möjlighet till förlängt tilläggsskydd” (“The Paediatric Regulation gives an opportunity to an extended Supplementary Protection Certificate”), medförfattare tillsammans med Håkan Borgenhäll, Patent Eye 2/2009
Patenteye 2009 “Swedish courts makes pirates pay”, medförfattare tillsammans med Henrik Wistam, Copyright World Magazine issue #191, juni 2009

Ranking och referenser

Cirio Advokatbyrå AB is particularly active in the life sciences and digital spaces, and is very experienced in advising on patent litigation and licensing issues. Practice head Hanna Tilus brings expertise in marketing law, and has a solid track record in acting for clients in the pharmaceutical sector. (Intellectual Property and Media) – Legal 500

Praised for her specialism in personal data protection which makes her ‘unique within the Swedish market‘, Hanna Tilus is known for advising on technology transfers, co-marketing issues, and R&D collaborations. (Healthcare and Life Sciences) – Legal 500

Practice head Hanna Tilus has expertise in tech-related regulatory matters, commercial agreements, and IP issues. (IT and Telecoms) – Legal 500

‘Hanna Tilus has exceptional skills in building the case for the court, very thorough, deep understanding of both scientific and commercial aspects and outstanding communication with the client in a clear and effective way.’ – Legal 500

Hanna Tilus shows great experience in a vast number of areas and questions specifically connected to the life sciences segment, which is unusual and hard to find in other law firms in general. She gave valuable advice on both regulatory questions and transactional law matters.’- Legal 500

Per Hedman and Hannah Tilus are incredibly approachable, responsive and very talented lawyers. They are able to deliver solution focused advice on highly complex regulatory issues. They are a pleasure to work with and are our go to for all life sciences and healthcare queries for Sweden. They are highly recommended.’- Legal 500

Per Hedman and his team have significant expertise in life sciences and healthcare law. They are approachable, practical, extremely knowledgeable and give superb practical advice. They are our go to firm for all Swedish life sciences and healthcare work and we have worked together on many matters. The team always delivers work to an exceptional standard even under extremely tight deadlines. Hannah Tilus deserves a special mention – she is fantastic.’ – Legal 500


2021 Cirio Advokatbyrå
2019 - 2021 Roschier Advokatbyrå, Counsel IP & Life Sciences
2014 - 2018 Bayer AB, Senior Legal Counsel, Compliance Manager and Company Data Privacy Manager
2010 - 2011 H&M Hennes & Mauritz AB, Secondment
2008 - 2014 Advokatfirman Lindahl, Senior Associate


2008 Stockholms universitet, Jur.kand. (LL.M)
2005 Stockholms universitet, BAP
2005 Queensland University of Technology, University Study Abroad Certificate, Business


2019 Ledamot av Sveriges Advokatsamfund




"Pricing & Reimbursement 2023”, Global Legal Insights
“Licensing 2023”, Getting the Deal Through
“Life Sciences 2023”, Getting the Deal Through
"Intermistiskt förbud i patentmål” (Preliminary injunction in patent cases) medförfattare tillsammans med Hampus Rystedt, PatentEye 3/2019
“Vad händer med de immateriella tillgångarna i en konkurs?” (“What happens to the Intellectual Property Assets in a bankruptcy?”), medförfattare tillsammans med Johan Hörnberg, Brand News 5/2013
“Den specifika mekanismen – ett undantag från den tillåtna parallellimporten av läkemedel” ("The Specific Mechanism – an exception from the approved parallell import of Pharmaceuticals"), medförfattare tillsammans med Håkan Borgenhäll, Patent Eye 2/2013
Kapitlet “When you are copied – IP litigation and alternative dispute resolution” i "The Handbook of European Intellectual Property Management" 3rd edition KoganPage /Adam Jolly 2012, medförfattare tillsammans med Håkan Borgenhäll
“The Pirate Bay case and implications of AIPPI membership for judges”, medförfattare tillsammans med Jonas Westerberg, AIPPI e-News 21 november 2011
“Barnförordningen ger möjlighet till förlängt tilläggsskydd” (“The Paediatric Regulation gives an opportunity to an extended Supplementary Protection Certificate”), medförfattare tillsammans med Håkan Borgenhäll, Patent Eye 2/2009
Patenteye 2009 “Swedish courts makes pirates pay”, medförfattare tillsammans med Henrik Wistam, Copyright World Magazine issue #191, juni 2009

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